Due to Cold Weather Advisories issued by the National Weather Service, Carroll will move most operations to virtual, Tuesday, January 21, 2025. Visit Campus Alerts for Updates
To celebrate our University Ethos and commitment to service, we encourage all Pioneers to give back in their own communities. As Pioneers, we continue to help address the needs of our communities through stewardship by engaging in service for the first time or by repeating something you might already be doing at your place of worship, local schools, a non-profit organization, community center, and more. We are proud of our Pioneers who live the mission of "service in a diverse and global society."
Carroll University Month of Service | February 1-28, 2025
Click below to report back how you share your time, talent, and treasure in your community.
Report Back
Please join other Carroll University alumni, families and friends by providing time, talent or treasure to a cause that is close to your heart or to those living in need in your community. There are countless ways to share what you have with those in need. However you choose to serve during the Month of Service, please report back and share your contributions so we are able to capture and share all of the ways our Pioneers make a difference in their communities.
Volunteering hours or days in service of others. Examples include, but are not limited to, sorting donations at a food bank, reading to children at church, cleaning a neighbor's yard, etc.
Using one's expertise to benefit a cause. Examples include, but are not limited to, serving on a Board, creating quilts for a raffle, leveraging professional relationships to benefit a cause, etc.
Financial contributions (big or small) donated to a organization or charity. Examples include, but are not limited to, supporting the Carroll Fund, giving to a non-profit organization, supporting a local, etc.